Suzanne & Jeff chose a gorgeous location for their wedding. Semiahmoo is this golf resort up by the Canadian border a bit away from Bellingham. I just loved the way the photos turned out and there were so many options for photography that we didn't even have enough time to photograph everywhere I wanted to take pictures. But I sure am pleased with what we got.
Trish & Travis... the second of two couples I photographed down in Cancun MX during the week in Oct 08. It really helps when you can click with a couple like you do with these two couples. Plus I got to go deep sea fishing with Travis for the first time. Photos of the wedding day turned out great but sadly the "trash the dress shoot" had all sorts of set backs. Super high humidity fogging up the lens, being escorted out of the Tulum Ruins and not being allowed to photograph there and never making it down to the beach and having to trick them to think we erased all the photos. We did take some at the beach at the hotel but the lighting wasn't as great as it should have been and we had to rush to get to the airport to make our flight.